Monday, 12 November 2012

Leonard Howell - The Original Gong

In 1981 Leonard Percival (The Gong) Howell passed from this life and entered the ancestral realm. This was incidently the same year that Robert "Bob (Tuff Gong)" Marley entered the ancestral realm. There was however a great difference between the passing of these two Rasses. Whilst Bob Marley received worldwide acclaim, Leonard Howell's passing did not register anywhere, except amongst his family and friends.
You may ask why is this of any importance?

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Rockers International

During the month of September 2012 InI had the pleasure of hosting a show with members of Augustus Pablo's Rockers International team. Words on a page can not adequately portray the energy present in the studio on this blessed evening. Rastafari spirit and soul lit up the place.

Friday, 26 October 2012


Greetings and Welcome to the new blog from Ras Story. We hope that Ones and Ones will use this spot to communicate with us. As the resource grows we hope that it will become a place where useful information will be shared. This will be used to improve the output of our program and assist in the general growth of the Rastafari movement globally.
So please feel free to post comments and/or suggestions.
We ask that if you do not have something constructive and relevant to say, that you just move on to some other place.
We would prefer to have nothing said than to have offensive comments posted which serve only to show the ignorance of the writer.

May the love of Jah keep you until such time.
All Praises due to the Most High Jah Rastafari

Sista Benji and Ras Kwadwo
Presenters - Ras Story (Each One, Teach One)
Omega FM
London, United Kingdom